Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Post 2 - A Leap of Faith

Two weeks ago I was looking through the news feed on the Beasts of War website and came across the Hordes Starter box. Having not bought or painted any miniatures this year and knowing how popular the Warmachine gaming system is I decided to take a punt...

This set retails at £69.99, but searching around online hobby shops that I am familiar with (Firestorm Games, Wayland Games & Total Wargamer) I found it much cheaper. In fact the deal at Total Wargamer seemed great £56 including delivery - I snapped it up!.

While I was waiting for the set to arrive I started doing some research about the game and community and found out some interesting things.

Warmachine & Hordes are both set in the world of Iron Kingdoms and are not two separate games, but instead represent faction umbrellas. Warmachine represents the urban city based factions, whilst the Hordes covers rural outlying factions. There is a generic difference in how the mechanics of the factions work, but they are the same game. This was a great discovery for me as I have heard that the Warmachine game is really well balanced and growing in popularity. This means that Although I was buying the Hordes, i would actually be playing the Warmachine game.

I have found two great media sources for Warmachine and Hordes. These are the RHQtv videos on YouTube and the Boosted Damage podcast. RHQtv has battle reports, unboxings, strategy discussions and modelling tip videos which are all delivered in a friendly and engaging way. The Boosted Damage podcast is put together by players based in London, and follows their experiences as they take an active role in the UK and global Warmachine scene.

Back to the 2 player box set.

The set is a really good way to get into the game. It includes a full rule book and 20 models which if bought separately would cost well over £100. From what I gather the models are all reasonable game choices and can be give you enough models for two people to play a reasonable size game. The rule generally games competitive games are played at 35 points.

The first faction is the Legion of Everblight. It contains a warlock, 4 lesser war beasts, 1 heavy war beast and a unit of 5 Ogryns. It represents 21 points

The second fraction is Circle. It contains 1 warlock, 2 light war beasts, 1 heavy war beast and a unit of 5 Warpborn Skin Walkers. It represents 20 points

My next post will be the un-boxing of the battle box including the rule book and my opinion of the models.

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