I undercoated the model using Army Painter leather brown primer, before painting the main skin area with GW komando Kaki and dry brushing the armour areas with GW graveyard earth. Finally I liberally applied army painter Dark Tone dip to the entire model. The dip takes 24 hours to fully dry and leaves the model very shiny, I therefore finished the model with Army Painter anti shine matt varnish.
Withstanding drying times the model only took me about 90 minutes to do which I am very happy about. The dip worked well adding real depth and contrast. My only reservation is that it feels a bit dull. It definitely fits with the tone I wanted to achieve for the circle models, but not the Legion ones. I am not going to any of the bases until I have finished all the models. Overall my first Warmahordes model which I am 60% happy with.
Let me explain how the stats work:
SPD is movement.
STR when added to weapon POW is used to calculate melee damage.
MAT is used against opponents DEF to work out melee.
RAT is used against opponents DEF to work our ranged
DEF is how easy a model is to hit.
ARM is used to calculate how much damage a model will take
The Carnivean costs 11 points, which makes it one of the more expensive heavy war beasts. It has three melee attacks and a ranged dragon breath attack. It also has the assault ability which means it can use its firebreath before assualting. This seems like a really great monster in the game and I cant wait to use it.
So when attacking another model you roll two dice and add a models MAT or RAT, the total needs to meet or exceed the defending models DEF. To determine how much damage is done, in the case if a ranged attack the POW of the attackers weapon is again added to 2D6 and compared against a models ARM any overspill is then taken against wounds. The process is the same for melee attacks but the attackers strength is added to the weapons power hich is shown on the stat card as P+S. A models wounds are shown in the bottom left of the card as boxes that need filling in. The Carnivean has 29 of these boxes and can therefore take 29 damage before dying.
The next models to paint are going to be the Shredders...
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