Great, the Battle box arrived - Well done Total Wargamer 4 days delivery.
The box contained more than I was expecting. On top of the models and full rule book you also get a mini Privateer Press magazine, painting and play guide, and some dice.
The rulebook has is a soft-back A5 version of the full Hordes rule book that retails for £30, but does not have any of the glossy pictures, or back story fluff. It really is just the rules. Although I would not say no to the glossy hard back version, I actually prefer these new small A5 versions. They are easier to get carry around and because they are condensed quicker for rule referencing. At this point I must state that I have not yet played a game, but from what I read the basic rules are easy to understand and seem intuitive to play. There are plenty of diagrams to help make sense and with each model having its own rule card this rule set really seems helpful for a new player to pick up.
As previously mentioned each model comes with its own stat and rules card. I really like this as it helps give each model on the table a real identity and although this is a war game it really has a role-play feel to it.
The models are all plastic and easy to put together. I really like their look and the quality of the sculpt. The two Warlocks are the same size as a typical GW fantasy human, about 30mm, whilst the Ogryns and Warpwolfs are about 45mm, and the heavy warbeasts are about 60mm. The scale really is cinematic. It reminds me of my early days in wargaming when I bought GW's original Titans game. We were told that they were huge robots that were bigger than buildings, but it was not until later releases of infantry and tanks did we fully appreciate this. The size of these beasts and how they match upto their Warlocks really is impressive.
There are a couple of things I don't like about the models. The first is mould lines. I am used to mould lines, but some of these models have them in places that are hard to get to or just simply hard to effectively remove. Secondly both armies come with a unit of 5 warriors, but unfortunately there are only 3 unique sculpts in both these units. This is something that I was used to 10 years ago, but now days not what I expect. What makes this worse is that the models are not posable and the posses are not relaxed, but instead quite dramatic. So for example in the Ogre unit there are two guys in exactly the same pose throwing a spear. With a little bit of cutting it will be possible for some slight reposing, but not much.
I would rate the boxed set as 10 out of 10 for value and 8 out of 10 for the models. I really love the models and the sculpts and would defiantly give a maximum score if the aforementioned dislikes were not present. So overall I highly recommend people who are looking to get into this game to buy this, and I cannot wait to paint these models and get my first game underway.
Generally speaking I never play a game with unpainted models. So its time to dust of my paint pots and get cracking.
So the few next posts are going to be pictures of my finished models notes of how I painted them, my thoughts, and a look at their in game statistics...
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